by Jasmin Samantha dela Torre
December 23, 2017
Meanwhile, one of the hottest loveteam today, Liza Soberano and Enrique Gil, aka “LizQuen” shared their love to different street children in Manila. “LizQuen” surely made the kids happy because of the gifts they gave.
These different celebrities have proved that they are both beautiful inside and out. So this coming Christmas, don’t forget to show your love to everyone because the spirit of Christmas is not about receiving gifts but through extending the love from the bottom of your heart.
Since it is the Christmas time, what is the best gift to give and to receive? Love. Everyone knows that Christmas is the season of sharing and giving. Some celebrities showed their love through their advocacies.
“Chinita Princess”, Kim Chui spread love on our fellow Aeta Natives in Pampanga. She used the money from her bazaar sales this Christmas to give gifts to the Aetas. Kim is very thankful to everyone who bought from her bazaar.

photo credits to @chinitaprincess via instagram

photo credits to google photos
On the other hand, “Papa P.”, Piolo Pascual, and his family, visited the the kids of Hospicio de San Jose. The happiness is evident in each of the smile of the kids. The Pascual family shared a meal with these kids. Furthermore, there are even some games and dancing.