By Sharmaine Garcia
January 04, 2018

The official foreign travel shall only be allowed if:
(1) official foreign travel should only be strictly within the mandate of the official, (2) the projected expenses of the trip are not excessive, and (3) the travel is expected to bring substantial benefit to the country.
No government official or personnel shall be allowed to depart for any travel abroad, even if such is for a personal or private purpose without cost to the government, unless such official or personnel has obtained the appropriate travel authorization.
All heads of agencies authorized to approved foreign travel shall submit a list to the Office of the Presidents, at the end of every quarter, of all travel authorities they have issued. Lastly,
All heads of agencies are directed to strictly enforce the requirement on submission of reports with appropriate recommendations.
The memorandum was released to ensure compliance with the pronouncements of the President against extravagant and lavish travels abroad of government officials and personnel. It states that failure to comply with the directives may result in the filling of administrative actions for misconduct, insubordination, and other related offenses.