by Carl Michael Quintero
January 17, 2018
Some, color means separation. If you still have that old TV set that your grandparents have where you have to turn the knobs to change the channel, you know what is being described now, black and white. This has been an argument dating many decades ago, the dawn of the African-American and the White-American. If that doesn’t sound racist to you now, maybe you should check yourself, there’s probably wrong with you. After all, black and white signifies balance, like the yin to its yang kind of thing. In this case, however, refers to the unbalanced views and sayings and treatment to them. It’s a haunting apparition that still lingers until our present time. There was a video once that featured a “black man” or let’s put it as a normal man, just strolling in a grocery store making a vlog, holding up his phone while filming himself. In his walk within the cold aisles of the said store, a dicer or an employee who was “white” stalked him. Staring intently what were the items that he held, glared at him from his hair to the pair of rugged shoes that he wore. As the video progressed, the vlogger just laughed as he realized he was being followed. Now you see how society responds to people like them.
In celebration of the Pride Month, a famous candy company, Skittles, released their own version of celebrating the occasion by releasing pure white candies, something unusual for the company since they are famous with the rainbow-colored sugar coated sweets that they sell. People had their own expression of the company’s involvement in the said celebration. Many were disappointed for they think it is being racist. Some argued with the colors that they like is not included (since it’s all white Skittles). One thought that it was a low-key racism act, promoting only the whites who they think are the superior in their society. In spite of the constructive criticisms it has garnered, there were still who looked on the brighter side of it. There were those who praised the kind act this corporation has showed. Others have thought out of the box as well, literally. The packaging it had now is just a plain white background with black texts while the words “pride” was gradiently colored with all the colors in the color picker of Adobe Photoshop.
We may have different interpretations on how colors work, how we attach ourselves to it, our emotions, how we describe ourselves, our personality and attitude, we still act as the people we are. That’s why we could all recount that we were once one until gender dictated us on who we are, who will be become. Let’s just hope that our co-existence with people who instill with eventually make them realize that they are wrong and we can just live, happily, contempt, and accepted.

photo credits: google images
Color me with…
Color has different meanings; red for courage, yellow for energy, blue for calmness, green for nature and so on. It has been tied up with different meanings and adjectives that even a normal people can’t possibly name it all. It has been addressed with emotions as well. If you are very much aware of this, I assume you already know the movie that is being referred here. However, there is a trick that we can all apply that every elementary student uses, ROYGBIV (ROY-JI-BIV) which is the color present in rainbows, the primary, secondary, and intermediate colors, the famous color wheel and many more. Its wide range of variety is too much for us to fathom.
For the LGBTQ of our society, they associate themselves with all the colors of the rainbow for they have different hues, saturations, lightness and heaviness. They have been long condemned by the status quo for their difference. They have screamed for acceptance for years and I am glad to say that our society is slowly realizing that making them feel different is against human rights. No matter what color you are, we are still humans